Friday, March 21, 2008

I'm Back!.......

.....and just in time for Weird Object Friday!

I originally started this blog on a dare from my friend, Margaret. I spent this morning getting "blogging" instructions. I am a internet neophyte and definitely needed some help. Margaret participates in an ongoing competition entitled "Weird Object Friday"--well, here is my entry. Except I have no idea what my weird object is. When my father-in-law passed away I found this in the backyard shed. I would appreciate any input as to its identity. Margaret and I thought it might be something to do with Morse Code. Pat, my father-in-law, was in the Navy during WWII. He was also a physicist. Any ideas????


Template Testing said...

It is for morse code. Here is a link to a similar photo.

welcome to WOF

PS I do not have a google account
I had to use my son's login info


Jessica said...

That was my idea too but just a guess.

Welcome to W.O.F. It's great to have you.


Ben said...

These people are good! I figured it had current pass through it, but didn't get much further.
Anyhow, welcome!
-Ben (Margaret's brother)

Minerva said...

Guess we were right, Ger!

gerry said...

Thank you everyone for your answer and your encouragement. We have been curious about this object for many years. I have another "thing" we found in the shed. Maybe we'll see it on a future Friday. Gerry