Sometimes things just get in the way of good intentions. But I am glad I am back to blogging. I think it is good therapy and a great way to stay in touch with family and friends far away.

We were blessed with a great holiday season. We had a wonderful time at parties-both with family, friends and co-workers.
It started at my brothers..

....and then onto co-workers

and continued with more family traditions

My cousin, Pat, always has an open house for the entire family. Although usually celebrated Christmas Eve, she has it the Sunday before Christmas and follows the other
Wigilia traditions.
My daughter was thrilled when she found the most perfect gift for her great uncle, Bernard. He is 88 and still ushers at the Basilica. It was an inside look at the Vatican.

..only she realized she didn't remember that wrapping paper. Turns out my sister-in-law thought it was perfect for Bernard also.

Christmas morning was spent with my children. Niki and her Bailey.

Sean came home from Austin. The best gift of all.

And speaking of good gifts. Those of you who have followed weird object Friday know that my husbands collects coffee companions. He loves facial mugs. Does this one remind you of anyone?

And the dogs loved all their presents--but, they loved unwrapping them the best.

I had a wonderful holiday and have such hope for the New Year. I am blessed with a great husband, kids I am proud of, a brother who is my close friend, older brothers that I love, and friends who support me. I thank you all for sharing this past year with me and hope in 2009 we all see peace and prosperity.

Yay!! Gerry's back!! Great pictures. Looks like Bernard will get twice as many looks into the Vatican!
Great to see you back in the blogosphere! We have had a great holiday time too. Hard to go back into the "real world", but there we are! Happy new year to you!
Happy to hear you had a good Christmas. It's tough buying for an older person sometimes. I think my father-in-law ended up with about 15 pounds of candy.
I'm glad it's all over and all the fattening food is out of here!
Happy New Year!
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